Final Blog Post: Electronic Health Records
Introduction The goal of this projection was to pinpoint the underlying issues that harm EHRs, and prevent them from their ultimate goal of making it easier for us to have knowledge of our own health. One of the biggest issues is the lack of interoperability between different EHR systems. The best way to transfer data currently is by e-mailing over a PDF, and then manually entering the data into the new system. With the amount of revenue that these companies pull in (Cerner $2.67B, Epic $1.5B), it makes sense why they wouldn't want interoperability. However, that's not in the best interest of the consumer, so something needs to change. Data Sources Starting with Dr. Ampel, who's 30 year career, spanning the V.A., Banner, and Mayo Clinic, gives him a great insight on how EHRs have changed over time and how they can be improved. He has also given me access to co-workers of his. Further, I surveyed patients and nurses (shoutout to Tinder for matching me with one). They ga...